James Michael Moody developed a love of reading Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Adventure in his early school days. After being introduced to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, Jules Verne, and others, Moody developed a love for their old-school storytelling style. As he grew older Moody tried out the works of Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, Frank Herbert, and Phillip K. Dick. Although they were some of the most-liked authors of the '60s, Moody was not drawn to their modern-style space travel escapades.
In 1967 while buying comic books at a used book store in his birth town of Johnson City, TN., the thirteen-year-old schoolboy discovered the paperback books of Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan), Robert E, Howard (Conan), and Lester Dent (Doc Savage). All three were Pulp Magazine writers who wrote in the classic style of Jules Verne. These Fantasy, adventure, and survival, writer’s style made him a lifetime fan and collector.
James Michael Moody |
In one of the Tarzan paperbacks Moody discovered a list of Burroughs fanzines. Now a Burroughs addict, Moody subscribed to the Burroughs Bulletin, ERB-dom, ERBania, and The Barsoomian. From them, he was introduced to Phillip Jose Farmer who was printing support articles for his upcoming Tarzan Alive. Although embraced by ERB, Inc., Tarzan Alive was not about ERB’s jungle lord, but instead about the real man, which ERB based his ape-man stories.
John F. Roy & James Michael Moody |
Unhappy with PJF’s direction, Moody started writing rebuttal articles and publishing them in the ERBzines of the ‘80s and ‘90s and ERB-APA for twenty-plus years. With his last issue, #124 in the ERB-APA, Moody started an unauthorized Tarzan blog titled Greystoke Chronologist: James Michael Moody, which is still active and presents new material.
James Michael Moody |
While developing his writing skills in these ERB fanzines Moody started writing his first Sci-Fi novella, Pioneers On Unium, on August 15, 1975, at his family's heritage home in Elk Park, NC. Because of a plant shutdown and no work, Moody moved back to his birth town of Johnson City, TN where he completed his first adventure on August 11, 1977. It was published on December 31, 2019, fifty-two years later.
James Michael Moody |
While living in Johnson City, Moody began Exiled On Unium, book two of the series, on December 13, 1979, and completed it on November 9, 1982. Forty years later, it was published on August 25, 2022.
Jamie, Mike & Sissy |
In 2022, Moody began writing Swordsman On Unium on December 13, 1979, and completed it on November 9, 1982. Forty-two years later, on July 15, 2024, it was published.
Mike, Lucy (grandmother), Debbie (sister). |
On December 31, 2019, Pioneers On Unium was published. Moody was 65 years old.
James Michael Moody |
On August 25, 2022, Exiled On Unium was published. Moody was 68 years old.
James Michael Moody & Renee Light
On July 15, 2024, Swordsman On Unium was published. Moody was 70 years old.